
Dominican Republic Update – October 27, 2022

To the beloved in Christ Jesus, 

May the blessings of the Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit be upon you and your household.  

Thank you again for the continuous prayers and encouragement, your partnership means a lot to us, and without your support, it would of been a whole lot harder.

Building Sylvia’s Home in D.R.

I have been working very hard during the day time to finish Ms. Sylvia’s place, while preaching and teaching in the evening. The Lord has been good to me.

I have lots of energy to work hard for the Lord, but when I get back to my place at night that’s a different story. I’m usually exhausted, but it’s all good.

Below are a few pictures and videos to show you the progress we’re making with the construction and while ministering at different churches in the form of teaching and preaching.

Haiti Update

The difficulty to even think about traveling back to Haiti at the moment remains a challenge, but our work in Haiti continues. 

We refuse to put out the fire.  Because the very important work of ministering to Lord, needs to continues at the Rock House of Prayer in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti.

By now, even the youngest child can recognize that the problem of Haiti is not political, economical nor social. These are all symptoms to a bigger spiritual dilemma.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Since the pandemic, we have lost a huge number of hours at the Rock House of Prayer. The pandemic has not been the only reason but more so the current security crisis.

We used to operate 20 hours a day, 6 days a week and now we are only at 8 hours a day 6 days a week. It’s hard to think about it because we know prayer is the only way Haiti is going to be able to get out of that hole.

The fire must always be kept burning on the altar and never allowed to go out. 

Meeting Physical needs in a very desperate season.

We continue feeding the hungry and educating the less fortunate.

Jesus is in the justice business. His ways are true, He doesn’t just promise to give us justice, but He said He will do it speedily.

For the sake of His Name!

Love you dearly,


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Haiti Ministry

We continue providing a warm plate of food to the hungry as the situation in Haiti continues to deteriorate, Bethel Mission Outreach, has never stop representing Jesus, through the proclamation of the Gospel, and the ministry of prayer to the Lord on behalf of the people of Haiti and especially those in the City of Croix des Bouquets, we provide free education, and warm meal for those in the community, just to name a few of the ways we ministered here in Haiti.

Dominican Republic Update – October 24, 2022

Home Construction

Hello Beloved of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks again for the opportunity to update you from the mission field. Praise God! I continue to make progress on the the reconstruction of Ms. Sylvia house, it is a blessing to be here. Putting Jesus on display wherever I go, is exhilarating. Jesus said, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” ‭‭John‬ ‭12‬:‭32‬. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I love you. It’s all for His glory and for the famed of His name.


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Dominican Republic Update – October 21, 2022

Greetings everyone!

Thank you very much for your continued prayers and support.

I’m having a tremendous time in the D.R.!!  The Lord is moving and I’m following Him wherever He allows me and it’s so exciting!  I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to preach, teach, evangelize and pray with lots of folks these past few days.

Last Sunday, after my message to the church, the Holy Spirit fell on the people. When I gave the alter call to see if anyone needed a touch from the Lord, I was blown away!  About 90% of the congregation came forward to receive from God. I said these people are hungry for the presence of the Lord!

The last couple of days Pastor Esias & myself have gone door to door sharing the good news of Jesus to anyone who would listen. I have to tell you that I’m extremely encouraged by the responses. So far I have led 10 people to the Lord in just 2 days!  Praise God!

I’ve also had the privilege to pray for many people but would like to highlight a particular woman who could barely walk or bend down. Her situation begin after an injury, however, as soon as I laid my hand on the affected area,  she was instantly healed & filled with the Holy Spirit!! She was able to bend down and jump up and down, something she couldn’t do before. If you where looking for a moment to praise the Lord, now might just be the right time!! 😊

Helping Sylvia in Dominican Republic

Two years ago, when I came to the Dominican Republic, I met quiet a few people but one lady by the name of Sylvia, absolutely touched my soul. Sylvia doesn’t tell her real age but she thinks she’s over 100!  She lives in a little hut made of rusted tin with no windows; the building is barely held together with unfinished pieces of wood that are partially rotted. Sylvia is blind and  lives alone. She has a son who lives in Brazil but doesn’t take care of her, according to the pastor I’m working with. 

DR roof construction

Sylvia is one of the most authentic Christians Ive ever met! Her smile and faith in Jesus makes me feel so small in her presence.

When I met her, I fell in love with this beautiful sister. I love the way she loves Jesus; the peace that she carries is something that everyone should go after. She is the real deal! I met so many people in her situation that are angry, bitter and mean spirited but Sylvia is always joyful, kind, and very confident in her Savior Jesus Christ. Her blindness & living conditions (no indoor plumbing, electricity, or clean drinking water, just to name a few) doesn’t affect her ability to be who she’s called to be; a daughter of the most High God.

After seeing her this time around, I challenged myself to never complain again! Sylvia is a blessing to me.

Rebuilding Homes in D.R.

But, it’s not enough to brag about her, I want to help her by rebuilding the front part of her home, which is only 16ft x 8ft. I’m concerned that the structure may collapse if there’s ever strong winds in her area.  So today, I purchased all the materials needed to start the rebuilding process. Tomorrow, with God’s help, we will work from sun up to sun down and continue until its done!  I’m so excited!

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Please continue to pray for me and my family as I pray for you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering.

Your brother,


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