
Haiti Update

Love of Christ  school group

For the past three years it seems like all hell has broken loose on the Island, the gangs have become more violent forcing peaceful residents to flee their homes in order to escape the violence which has plagued the capital and the surrounding cities!

Schools, churches, hospitals, businesses may have been shut down. For example in the 2023 – 2024 calendar year, every schools in our area closed their doors, churches were closed down, teachers fled for their lives, churches closed their doors but God wanted our school Love of Christ to stay open to love and serve the children, their families and those in the community!

So we trust God and rode the storm and today we give glory and honor to Master and Lord of our lives Jesus Christ who has made a way for us to stay open to serve the community, so last year we were the only school that was open in the community and to also have the opportunity to feed those who were hungry!

Amen, so we praise the Lord as He continues using Bethel Mission Outreach to touch lives in Haiti and in the world. God continues to serve with Bethel Mission Outreach to bring light and hope and to comfort many families and children during the most disastrous, and traumatic times in the history of the people of Haiti. This year we have 384 students in attendance, God is good and we want the world to know that Jesus is Lord over all.

VBS in Haiti

February 2023 Mission Update

Greeting Saints of the Living God!

We pray this letter finds you and your loved ones prospering and in good health even as your souls prospers.  Thank you for all your prayers and financial contributions which helped make it possible to reach out and touch so many lives for Christ throughout 2022.

We pray that the Lord would remember you and that He would answer your prayers and bless you’re going and you’re coming!  We pray that He would bless you with treasures that money cannot buy and that your sons and daughters would be filled with the Holy Spirit and walk in obedience.  May His joy be your strength and His peace be yours to keep in the Name of Jesus!

We love you and appreciate you greatly for encouraging us in doing the work of God.   Please remember that you are making a huge difference in the world for Jesus and great is your reward in Heaven.

Last January while I was praying for the people of Haiti; particularly for those whom God has entrusted to us over the years.  I asked the Lord to show me new and creative ways to help.  As you know, the Lord is always doing a new thing, and truly, the key to Him revealing His heart to us, is for us to show interest in what’s in His heart.  Sometimes I pray, Lord break my heart with what breaks your heart and if we ask Him with a sincere heart, surely, He will include our name in His story.

Not long after my prayer, a pastor wrote to asked me if there was any way we could help him with groceries for his family. He told me that if a miracle doesn’t happen for the nation, many of them will die from starvation.  He went on to say many times he and his family go to bed hungry, and he desperately needs help to stay focused on his pastoral duties.

Often pastors are the last on the list of people whom we think need to be ministered too.  Pastors do so much but sometimes don’t get recognize enough.  I really felt this was an answer to my prayer and I immediately made a list of pastors in the Croix des Bouquets area and some in the City of Les Cayes.  We sent a group of volunteers from the Rock House of Prayer along with other local representatives from the south.  Each group ministered in their area by encouraging the pastors with prayer and funds to buy groceries and other household necessities for their families.  They were very grateful!   In addition, we support several pastors monthly to aid them & their families.

Feeding the Hungry

One of the most challenging issues for many Haitian families now is not knowing where their next meal is coming from. According to WFP 45% of the Haitian population are suffering from severe hunger.  It’s a proven fact that hunger causes people to have difficulty paying attention. Some people say when they are hungry it makes them feel irritable and they can’t concentrate; and if you’ve ever been hungry, you know it’s true. That’s why last year we decided to focus our attention on this matter & started a community-wide feeding program to help families cope with hunger. 

The program is for anyone in the community who needs it. It’s sort of like a food bank except we serve home cooked meals.  We cook and they come. The only responsibility the recipient has is to show up and bring his or her own bowl and we will fill it. But not just with food but with the Word of God. They always leave with a whole lot more than they came for (Matt 4:4). Initially, the outreach ran daily from Monday – Saturday, but unfortunately, we had to cut back to three days a week because of increased costs.

Last year, not only were we able to help hundreds of families in Haiti, but we were also blessed to take the gospel and Jesus’s generosity to the Dominican Republic!  During the trip, we taught and preached the gospel, prayed for lots of people and loved on the poor with much needed food supplies such as:  rice, beans, sugar, spaghetti, spices, cooking oil, salami, feminine products, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.  We also distributed over 1000 Christmas gift bags for children ages 5-18. We made packages and sent teams out to minister the gospel and bless families. This was very impactful.  Many regained their strength and faith and 30 people came to know the Lord!!

Love of Christ School

The school system in Haiti suffered a great setback last year due to gang violence!  It was very difficult for the students. However, even though the situation in the country remains extremely chaotic, schools are reopening & operating timidly.  Currently we only have 138 students registered so far this year; that’s the lowest number we’ve had in 10 years and it’s all due to the violence in Haiti.  A lot of families are too afraid to stay in the area, so they have moved to other places where the gangs are less active.

We Believe in Prayer @The Rock House of Prayer, Haiti

Isaiah 62: 6-7

I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. So, while were praying, were caring for the of the lost and meeting the needs of the poor through your generosity.

We look forward to continue working together to further the work of the Kingdom as in years past.

 Please Pray with Us

1.         Our prayer is that one day Haiti will become a nation whose God is the Lord!

2.            Peace in Haiti

3.            We would be able to plant new churches in the south of Haiti.

We love you and appreciate you greatly.

Gary & Linda

For the fame of His Name, our Magnificent Jesus.

DR Christmas Gift Distribution December 2022

Haiti Update December 21, 2022

We would like to share videos from our feeding program on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Please visit our Haiti Video Update Page for more videos.

Dominican Republic Update December 20, 2022

Greetings Beloved, 

I pray this message finds you doing well in every way.

Again, thank you for all that you do to help us take the Gospel to the nations.

These are the names of cities that we have already ministered to: San Luis, Contador, Almelanté, and last night we were at Villa Mella. We had a great time preaching the gospel and celebrating Jesus with the young people and helping the community with non-perishable food packages. Today we were at Yabacao, preaching the good news, & loving on people. We had a blast!  Between yesterday and today we had 16 salvations!! Sadly, tomorrow is our last scheduled event in the D.R. We will be heading to San José, to another large Batey, to minister and share the goodness of Jesus with the least of these our brothers and sisters.

Please keep us covered with your prayers so that we may have success in proclaiming Jesus to anyone who’s willing to listen.

We never stop making mention of you before the Lord for your faith in Christ and your willingness to help the poor.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond what we can think ask or imagine, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

We love you,

Gary & Linda

For additional DR Video Updates, visit the DR Video Update Page

Dominican Republic Update December 18, 2022

Hello again Saints of the Living God!

These pictures and videos are from a sugar cane plantation we recently visited. We were blessed to be able to minister to the families including the children. These types of places in Spanish are call Batey.  It’s a plantation for migrant workers and their families. The majority of the people there are Haitian.  Their job is to cut sugar cane to make sugar & sell abroad; Brands like Domino Sugar we often purchase at our local super market.  These types of plantations are everywhere in the Dominican Republic.  These workers live in extremely poor conditions with no electricity or indoor plumbing.  There’s no pavement, it’s all dirt so when it rains, it’s a mess!  There are no playgrounds for the hundreds of children, even though we did see a basketball court but not sure if anyone plays on it. The mosquitoes are ferocious!! And because of the deteriorating security, social economy, & political situation in Haiti, the people have no choice but to adjust.


So far we have preached the Gospel in 3 different cities, served more than 500 hot meals, distributed over 400 Christmas gift bags plus 100 non-perishable food kits weighing 20 lbs each   We still have nearly 200 hundred more food kits to distribute. 

More importantly, we praise God for the souls that are being saved at each event!

There are many boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 15 years old who have come to Christ during each service! Unfortunately we have not been keeping count of the exact number, but one thing is for sure, it supersedes those of adults.  However, we have had 8 adult salvations so far; 5 in the Dominican Republic and 3 in Haiti! Praise God!


Thank you for all the prayers!  God heard our prayers and released grace for the situation.  The shipping company delivered the rest of the supplies Friday night; right on time for us to put them in the hands of the children before I return to U.S. on December 23.  Please continue to pray!  We still have 4 more cities to visit and 393 more Christmas bags to deliver for the kiddos, as well as many more hot meals to prepare and 16 bales of gently used clothing to give away!

We never stop making mention of you before the Lord for your faith in Christ and your willingness to help the poor.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond what we can think, ask or imagine, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.  Amen

We love you,

Gary & Linda

Dominican Republic Update December 15, 2022

Greetings Beloved, 

I pray this message finds you well. Thank you for your prayers and support which enables us to continue doing the work. 

The last couple of days we’ve had the opportunity to work in two different cities; San Luis and Bonito. In both areas we ministered to 295 children sharing the gospel with Christmas gifts and for the adults we distributed food kits each containing; rice, beans, sugar, cooking oil, salt, and salami. We blessed lots of people, at the same time plucking many souls out of hell.

Today, we are in Los Llanos which is a sugar cane plantation community where lots of migrants live and work in conditions beyond description. However, just like in the days of old, we bring Good News! As the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

We pray that the hearts of the people will be open to receive from the Lord the Hope which He offers to all of us.

While here, we will distribute 100 gift bags to the children and 85 food kits to the adults. 

Thank you for your continued prayers.

We love you,


“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond what we can think ask or imagine, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”

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Domincan Republic Update December 14, 2022

BMO event poster

Dominican Republic Update December 13, 2022

Greetings Beloved! 

We are thankful and greatly encouraged by your prayers and your generous action which helps us further the work of the kingdom.

Thanks again for your prayers, they mean so much.

I arrived safely in the DR on December 9th. 

Right away I hit the ground running preparing to celebrate Jesus with several hundred children, even possibly over a thousand, depending on whether we received the second shipment we sent a couple of weeks prior to my trip.

So far we’ve already assembled 419 Christmas gifts for children between the ages of 2 -13 years old and hopefully making many more!

Yesterday, together with our local team, we prepared 265 food kits to help those in need. Each kit contains; rice, beans, sugar, cooking oil, a container of salt, and a large stick of salami.

Starting today, we’re going to minister the gospel to children and adults alike!  Please pray for a successful day!! I’m believing God for new souls for His Kingdom!

Again, thank you for your prayers, please don’t stop!! ☺️

Love you all!
